Thursday, July 9, 2015



       Another beautiful day. The clouds broke up earlier yesterday and today - around noon, just as I was finishing doing 4 loads of laundry.

      After a little lunch, I went outside to enjoy the perfect afternoon. Around 3:00 or so Rachel & Eric and girls arrived. This time Lupe had a good friend her own age with her, Katie. They hung out and explored the creek and generally made themselves at home, which made me feel good. They were so cute and expressive talking together!
                                                Claiming our Jonathan chairs, as seen thru the RV screen door:       

After a while, we all went down to the Sprayground, a mini sort of water park. It sure looked cold to us, but apparently not to the girls – they had an absolute ball!

                                               Water ballet:

Elise says, "Let me try it!" 
I think I'll sit it out and watch Daddy make silly bird sounds:

         Came home and got ready to go up to the clubhouse (by the pool) for a potluck dinner. Rachel had noticed the sign yesterday when they were up at the pool. She suggested doing that for dinner tonite, so that we'd have less preparation and clean-up. The theme was Mexican, but we just brought a salad . . . after all, Mexicans eat salad, right?? There weren't very many people there – maybe a couple of dozen. But all very friendly, and they introduced the newcomers, which of course included us. They showed a short video of their 4th of July parade here. A cadre of volunteers help with this park and events like this – which help make it the wonderful place it is. Bill & I both mentioned to each other that we wished we had booked a longer stay here, especially since the weather here has been so much nicer here than anywhere on the coast.

        All of us took both Pappy and Daisy (their dog) out for a walk in the cool evening air. And then they headed home, leaving us their car which we'll drive tomorrow up to Laguna, after dropping off Pappy at their house. They'll dog-sit for us, as we plan to stay overnight at Loretta & Steve's.

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