Tuesday, July 7, 2015



      Checked out around noon on Sunday from the Oceanside RV Park. This was a nice alternative to Paradise, across the street, and $40/nite cheaper. If we came to Oceanside again for a “beach vacation” (which would undoubtedly mean with Beth & Landon), I'd opt for Paradise – just a nicer feel all the way around, and a few minutes' closer to the beach itself. But if for some reason it were just the two of us, or if we needed to really save $$, this place would do fine. It definitely had some of the nicest, mellow managers/owners we've ever encountered.

      Got to our campground at Santee Lakes around 1:30. And, predictably, as we got further inland, the overcast skies began to clear and we had blue sky overhead. We were so ready for that! Santee Lakes was how we remembered it . . . a very lovely, very inviting place. The Recreation Preserve, as it's called (owned & operated by the Padre Dam Municipal Water District of San Diego), contains 7 lakes, 5 of which are open to the general public for day use, and 2 more at the northern end of the area, which are strictly for the use of registered campers. All of the campsites (nearly 300 of them) are at this end. The entire preserve is connected by wonderful walking and bike paths, meandering around the lakes and streams. The campground itself has won several awards; it's easy to see why. Both times we've been here, our campsite has been stellar: a back-in, but easy, since the sites are so large and wide.


We again are backed up to a creek running behind us.

Rested after getting set up, and then took the bikes out for a short ride. Recognized our campsite from 3 years ago – one of the prime ones in the entire campground, although our current one is an easy runner-up (just a little further away from showers, laundry, pool, etc., not as shady)

        Grilled ribs and veggies for dinner (are discovering that this is one of our go-to meals – we always get at least 2, and sometimes 3, delicious dinners out of a package of ribs) and ate outside. Clouds began coming in at evening.

      The clouds blanketed the sky on Monday morning – just like on the coast – but began to break up around noon, and the afternoon was California perfect. I was outside on a Jonathan chair the entire afternoon . . . first luxuriating under the sunshine, and then moved under the shade. Just read (A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler) and dozed.

       Bill spent part of this time dealing with the truck and its starting issues. He was going to go somewhere this morning, and it wouldn't start. So he asked around for recommendations of shops that worked on diesels, and made arrangements with one to bring it in. After it still wouldn't start after more than hour, he decided to call AAA to have it towed, so that it would be sure to be there 1st thing tomorrow morning. Even after the truck arrived at the shop, and Bill talked with them, it still wouldn't start . . . so, whatever the problem is, it's definitely getting worse – more frequent, and lasting much longer. It can't be ignored any longer. Thanks, Lord, for the provision of a repair place close by and for the time here to take it in.

        So we're kind of “stuck at home” for a couple of days – but that's fine. A WalMart is within biking distance if we need anything. We would like to drive down to the San Diego Bay and harbor area one day while we're here. But if it continues to be overcast and murky all day long at the coast, it wouldn't be a terrific experience anyway. So we'll see what later in the week brings. (We're already busy Thursday & part of Friday – going up to Laguna to meet Loretta & Steve for the Art Festival there, and probably staying the night with them.)

       After a relatively early dinner, took a longer bike ride around the whole preserve. California evening cool – needed our jackets. Again, saw the clouds coming in. So I think this will be the typical weather pattern while we're here, at least for the next few days – cool, overcast mornings, clear warm afternoons.

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