Sunday, July 12, 2015



       A totally laid-back day. I had a very leisurely morning while Bill went to pick up the truck. He rode his bike to the repair shop (only a couple of miles away), and drove the truck home. They never could figure out what was wrong – thought it might be something related to the wiring, rather than an actual fuel delivery problem. At any rate, we had to have it, as we're leaving here on Monday. And, to their great credit, they were totally honest and above board. Didn't try to sell us any bill of goods and “fix” something which didn't need fixing. So now we'll just have to hope and pray that it doesn't act up at an inopportune time or place!

       I chilled out in a Jonathan chair most of the morning and afternoon, savoring the perfect quinessential California summer day. Dozed a lot.

       In the late afternoon, we took a long bike ride around the park. Lots and lots of people in the day-use area, picnicing, fishing, boating, playing. 
      Had leftovers from a few days ago – still tasted very good. Then we were just relaxing outside in the wonderful evening air and the beautiful soft evening sky

when we heard some music from up at the clubhouse by the pool. So we sauntered up there, and a live band was doing some classic rock. We stayed for their last set. Mostly “mature” folks in our age range were there, but some little kiddos were out there dancing too. A fun time. This is a jewel of a park/campground. We will really miss it. We've talked about coming out here during the winter/early spring of 2017.


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