Friday, June 26, 2015



      Downtime for us. I did a lot of journaling/posting pics which I got way behind on while we were up north. Napped, read a little, took a couple of walks around the RV park. This is a really, really lovely, nice place. Billed as a resort, which it is.

Even though the RV's are mostly in a parking lot-like situation, they don't feel on top of each other at all, and wide enough streets down the middle.

Nicely landscaped, with lots of California color.


A very lovely picnic area, which we never used but walked by every day.

Even the bathrooms have a California beach feel!

       Other than the happy sounds of kids playing, it was very quiet and peaceful. A mix of young families and retired couples like us – several of whom live in Arizona and seek relief from the heat there every summer. Lots of really nice, large, expensive Class A rigs. The management was very nice and accomodating. In fact, our first evening in, we met the General Manager, as his family was staying 2 doors down from us. (They have a little boy named Landon, which is how I became acquainted with them – heard the mom calling his name, and went over and introduced myself.) We learned that they have a couple of units for rent here, one of which their family was stayingin for that weekend. If we ever want to return here, and for some reason can't bring our RV, that would be an attractive viable option!

Of course, the nicest thing, as always, is Location, Location, Location. A 5-minute walk at most from the beach. And a most pleasant one at that. Past the park,

And a most pleasant one at that. Past the park, alongside an estuary where we could always see ducks and other waterfowl

and even many chip-squirrels (they seemed a cross between a chipmunk and a squirrel!),

under a small bridge where we stopped to admire the murals, and we're there!
If you're coming for a beach vacation, this is the only way to do it – stay within a very short walk, and just accept the high price. After having this luxury, I can't imagine driving 30 minutes or more back to an inland location, sandy, hot, tired, etc., etc.

        And another instance of God's providential care – I was so disappointed when I couldn't get reservations at Huntington Beach, when they were all booked on the first day of taking reservations, or even at Malibu for the time frame we wanted. But this was so much better than either, for what the kids wanted. We (Bill & I) love Malibu for its cliff views, but this place is so much more kid/family friendly, with the park next door, the swimming pool, the easy, safe walk to the beach. As for Huntington Beach – I'm sure the crowds would have been overwhelming (not to mention RV's packed in so close you can reach your neighbor's burgers, and with no picnic tables!) This small beach was the perfect size for small children – large enough to accommodate many families or individuals, and therefore a ready supply of small friends for Landon to play with, yet not large enough to get lost in or so crowded you felt claustrophobic.

        And to top everything off, the soothing chug-chug-chug and plaintive whistles of trains regularly going by (mostly Amtrak, going up and down the coast). Some reviewers felt this was a detriment. We, however, love it! And will miss it.

          Bill used this time to give Pappy a much-needed haircut.

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