Sunday, June 28, 2015



       First full day of knowing that our mother is no longer here. Received the phone call yesterday in the afternoon. Atherton had called Lynn about 30 minutes earlier saying that her breathing was shallower, and they didn't expect her to last through the night. About half-an-hour later, she took her last breath. By all accounts, was a peaceful home-going. So grateful we had both planned, months ago, to be here during this time. And who knows but that because of that last visit with her, she was ready to let go?

       So a quiet, reflective day, with a long afternoon nap for me. Drove over to Hannah's in the early evenng to see her and meet her boyfriend. She looked beautiful, as always. Kids will come back from their dad's tonight, and then they're all flying to Florida on Monday, to unite with Rachel's & Jonathan's families for a Disneyworld/Orlando celebration, and to meet their older biological sister from Columbia, who traveled with her family up from there for this reunion. Hannah will return on July 5, same date as we begin our stay at Santee Lakes in San Diego. She & Pasqual prepared a lovely dinner for us, and we enjoyed visiting. Looking forward to more in a week. 

       Another June Gloom day – the sun never did come out.

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