Monday, June 29, 2015



Long shower this morning, then relaxation. Am reading Wolf Hall, the first of the triology about Thomas Cromwell, closest advisor to Henry VIII. Fascinating history. Slow going, especially the first half of the book, but now I'm getting used to the author's distinct style and cadance, and her wicked humor!

Around 12:00, Loretta called. She and Steve drove down from Costa Mesa about an hour north and got a hotel for 3 nights so the 4 of us could meet up and do some things together. As I was on the phone with her, I heard a commotion outside. Went and looked and Bill was lying flat on his side on the concrete slab outside the RV, moaning. I helped him up – his right elbow had a nasty-looking gash in it, and he felt sore, but nothing looked more serious. Cleaned him up a little bit. Asked what happened - he simply tripped going down the RV steps. Decided that it would be a good idea for him to go to an Urgent Care place, to get x-ray'd, and most likely a stitch or two on his elbow wound. Just another chapter in our on-going adventures.

I stayed here, and rested, napped, and read outside. The sun would come and go. Around 4:00, who drove up but Loretta & Steve! They'd been out for a drive, and spotted the RV park, and just came over! What a fun surprise! They only stayed a half-hour or so, but made plans to meet tonight for dinner, assuming Bill's feeling up to it.

Well, Bill finally arrived home around 8:00. Stitched him up with 3 or 4 stitches. No broken bones, but he's sore. What delayed him an hour or more was – guess what? . . . the truck wouldn't start again. He's going to figure out how to get the truck looked at here. This won't do.

We'll see how he's feeling when he wakes up tomorrow morning.

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