Monday, June 29, 2015



Long shower this morning, then relaxation. Am reading Wolf Hall, the first of the triology about Thomas Cromwell, closest advisor to Henry VIII. Fascinating history. Slow going, especially the first half of the book, but now I'm getting used to the author's distinct style and cadance, and her wicked humor!

Around 12:00, Loretta called. She and Steve drove down from Costa Mesa about an hour north and got a hotel for 3 nights so the 4 of us could meet up and do some things together. As I was on the phone with her, I heard a commotion outside. Went and looked and Bill was lying flat on his side on the concrete slab outside the RV, moaning. I helped him up – his right elbow had a nasty-looking gash in it, and he felt sore, but nothing looked more serious. Cleaned him up a little bit. Asked what happened - he simply tripped going down the RV steps. Decided that it would be a good idea for him to go to an Urgent Care place, to get x-ray'd, and most likely a stitch or two on his elbow wound. Just another chapter in our on-going adventures.

I stayed here, and rested, napped, and read outside. The sun would come and go. Around 4:00, who drove up but Loretta & Steve! They'd been out for a drive, and spotted the RV park, and just came over! What a fun surprise! They only stayed a half-hour or so, but made plans to meet tonight for dinner, assuming Bill's feeling up to it.

Well, Bill finally arrived home around 8:00. Stitched him up with 3 or 4 stitches. No broken bones, but he's sore. What delayed him an hour or more was – guess what? . . . the truck wouldn't start again. He's going to figure out how to get the truck looked at here. This won't do.

We'll see how he's feeling when he wakes up tomorrow morning.



Sun was out this morning, and warm, so we both took Pappy on an extended walk, on past the park (which was quickly filling up with people this Sunday morning), and through the adjoining neighborhood.


Then came back & got ready to go to church service. Bill found a Presbyterian (PCUSA) church close by. Very charming setting – reminiscent of a Spanish mission, with its open arched walkways surrounding courtyards, etc. We went to the 2nd service, dubbed “Traditional.” This is what a lot of mainline churche must look like – all white (yet the minute you go on an Oceanside street, there are as many Hispanics as whites), almost all over 65, mostly women. But, in fairness, the first service is “Contemporary,” and I'm guessing that's where you'd find more young families, hopefully lots of darker skins, etc. Didn't leave a strong impression on us.

Went down to the beach in the afternoon just to read and enjoy the surf. The park on the way was jam-packed with people participating in all kinds of summer fun – several birthday parties, a basketball game, softball, etc. Noticed that several people had left plates of food on the benches for the homeless guys. The beach was typically full of kids and families . . . made me wistful for Landon & Beth. But after an hour or so, got too cool and windy and damp, so just came back. The kids hit those 4 sunny days just right!!

Made a simple dinner of prepared pulled pork and cole slaw, and watched Fox News Sunday & Face the Nation streamed on the laptop. Of course, the main topic was the Supreme Court's decision this week declaring it unconsitituional for any state to ban same sex marriage. We think that the real battle, and the one which will affect us, will be the ensuing one on religious liberty and conscience – where is the boundary between obeying one's religious beliefs and adhering to the law of the land?

Was a lovely, balmy evening around sunset. So enjoyed the rest of my wine outside and snapped these photos.


Sunday, June 28, 2015



       First full day of knowing that our mother is no longer here. Received the phone call yesterday in the afternoon. Atherton had called Lynn about 30 minutes earlier saying that her breathing was shallower, and they didn't expect her to last through the night. About half-an-hour later, she took her last breath. By all accounts, was a peaceful home-going. So grateful we had both planned, months ago, to be here during this time. And who knows but that because of that last visit with her, she was ready to let go?

       So a quiet, reflective day, with a long afternoon nap for me. Drove over to Hannah's in the early evenng to see her and meet her boyfriend. She looked beautiful, as always. Kids will come back from their dad's tonight, and then they're all flying to Florida on Monday, to unite with Rachel's & Jonathan's families for a Disneyworld/Orlando celebration, and to meet their older biological sister from Columbia, who traveled with her family up from there for this reunion. Hannah will return on July 5, same date as we begin our stay at Santee Lakes in San Diego. She & Pasqual prepared a lovely dinner for us, and we enjoyed visiting. Looking forward to more in a week. 

       Another June Gloom day – the sun never did come out.

Friday, June 26, 2015



      Downtime for us. I did a lot of journaling/posting pics which I got way behind on while we were up north. Napped, read a little, took a couple of walks around the RV park. This is a really, really lovely, nice place. Billed as a resort, which it is.

Even though the RV's are mostly in a parking lot-like situation, they don't feel on top of each other at all, and wide enough streets down the middle.

Nicely landscaped, with lots of California color.


A very lovely picnic area, which we never used but walked by every day.

Even the bathrooms have a California beach feel!

       Other than the happy sounds of kids playing, it was very quiet and peaceful. A mix of young families and retired couples like us – several of whom live in Arizona and seek relief from the heat there every summer. Lots of really nice, large, expensive Class A rigs. The management was very nice and accomodating. In fact, our first evening in, we met the General Manager, as his family was staying 2 doors down from us. (They have a little boy named Landon, which is how I became acquainted with them – heard the mom calling his name, and went over and introduced myself.) We learned that they have a couple of units for rent here, one of which their family was stayingin for that weekend. If we ever want to return here, and for some reason can't bring our RV, that would be an attractive viable option!

Of course, the nicest thing, as always, is Location, Location, Location. A 5-minute walk at most from the beach. And a most pleasant one at that. Past the park,

And a most pleasant one at that. Past the park, alongside an estuary where we could always see ducks and other waterfowl

and even many chip-squirrels (they seemed a cross between a chipmunk and a squirrel!),

under a small bridge where we stopped to admire the murals, and we're there!
If you're coming for a beach vacation, this is the only way to do it – stay within a very short walk, and just accept the high price. After having this luxury, I can't imagine driving 30 minutes or more back to an inland location, sandy, hot, tired, etc., etc.

        And another instance of God's providential care – I was so disappointed when I couldn't get reservations at Huntington Beach, when they were all booked on the first day of taking reservations, or even at Malibu for the time frame we wanted. But this was so much better than either, for what the kids wanted. We (Bill & I) love Malibu for its cliff views, but this place is so much more kid/family friendly, with the park next door, the swimming pool, the easy, safe walk to the beach. As for Huntington Beach – I'm sure the crowds would have been overwhelming (not to mention RV's packed in so close you can reach your neighbor's burgers, and with no picnic tables!) This small beach was the perfect size for small children – large enough to accommodate many families or individuals, and therefore a ready supply of small friends for Landon to play with, yet not large enough to get lost in or so crowded you felt claustrophobic.

        And to top everything off, the soothing chug-chug-chug and plaintive whistles of trains regularly going by (mostly Amtrak, going up and down the coast). Some reviewers felt this was a detriment. We, however, love it! And will miss it.

          Bill used this time to give Pappy a much-needed haircut.



      A sad day . . . Beth & Landon have to go home. She was going around all glum-faced in the morning as she was packing. He was too, til he found his gang of friends to play with in the meantime. He came home right away when called (afater a 5-minute warning), didn't protest or whine. But immediately when we all got into the truck, he lay down on his mom's lap and just stared blankly. Broke my heart!

      Gave ourselves plenty of time. The freeways (I-5 & I-405) weren't crowded at all, so we got to the Orange County Airport off-ramp before 2:00. She didn't need to be at the airport til around 4:30, as her plane didn't depart til 5:35. We found a lovely food court just a few miles straight west of the airport, which was perfect . . . we each could pick out our own vendor, and assembled under a shaded umbrella.

        Then decided we had time for ice cream. Had never gone out for ice cream while they were here, and thought this would be a perfect send-off memory. Another 5 miles of so down the road, west of the airport. All fun and fine til around 3:30, when we get back into the truck. Then the adventure begins. The truck wouldn't start. Bill says not to worry – every once in a while it does this. It's some kind of glitch in this year Dodge's starter mechanism. Sometimes it'll start right up in 5 minutes, sometimes 20. We'd experienced this way back several years ago on one of our Michigan UP trips, and he'd experienced it a couple of times recently, but had them put in a new starter before we left which one would think would solve the problem! Anyway . . . 30 minutes later . . . no action. So now we decide we'd better call a cab. After 20-25 minutes, no cab (after being told one would be there in 10-15 minutes). Bill calls again – something about wrong address. By now it's 4:35, and rush hour. Starting to get a LITTLE panicked. We're standing on the curb of the busy street even looking for cops now, to flag one down and tell him our pitiful story and try to get an escorted ride. At last, around 4:45, the cab pulls up, with of course a driver who speaks very broken English. Beth whips out our credit card - “ONLY CASH”, he says. I tell her she may as well get out of the cab, as we have no cash. Ah – the cabbie understands that, and points in the direction of a liquor store across the parking lot. I run like crazy to get there, do my thing, wait, - “ERROR WITH THIS TRANSACTION. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.” Seriously, Lord?? I was within an inch of running back in defeat, but thought, “What the heck, I'll try once more.” Success! I ran back like I was competing for Olympic gold, shoved the bills into her hands, and Bill stopped the parking lot traffic in order to let them get out. Beth's last view of me is of my hands clasped and my head stretched heavenward in an entreating pose. Didn't I see all of this in a movie?? Was it called “The Three Stooges Catch a Plane”, or something more recent, with maybe Jim Carey or Steve Martin??
                                                                Relieving the stress while waiting for a cab, perched on iconic Southern California palm tree:

        In the meantime, Bill's called an AAA truck to come out, even though we both don't think it's going to do any good. A tow back down to Oceanside?? At around 5:10, lo and behold, the truck starts of its own volition, just like Bill said it would . . . in time. Just a small factor when you have a flight to catch!! We decided to drive to the airport, not knowing if she'd made her flight . . . if not, figured we could put our heads together and decide what to do. But our entreaties to heaven were answered – the plane was delayed about 15 minutes. Just the window she needed. Lord, your sense of humor is gonna hasten my arrival in Eternity . . . not to mention these gray hairs here on earth!

       And she made her connecting flight in Las Vegas just in time as well, as those flights gave her precious little leeway to begin with. And she had another funny story to relate about that leg of her journey home: Just as everyone was boarded, buckled up, the flight attendant giving the safety spiel, Landon announced, “I need to go to the bathroom!” Not subtly. Doing the dance in his seat. Hard for a nearby flight attendant not to realize what's going on . . . she laughs and says, “No problem, he can go . . . I have a little boy of my own, and I know they wait until the absolute last second.” So B & L walk up to the front of the plane – even the Captain is smiling and lies, “We have to wait for clearance anyway,” (which they'd already announced). Landon emerges from the plane's bathroom, announces, “Oh no, I forgot to flush it!” to the amusement of the 1st ten rows. He goes back, re-emerges triumphantly to good-natured applause. Beth can't help but laugh, but is red as a tomato at the same time.

      All of this adrenalin should take the fear of flying right out of her! 

       It will be nice for Bill and me to get back to a more relaxed pace for a while. But of course we'll miss them very much. They both had such a fabulous time here. Of course the obvious: the beach, Disneyland. But lesser things as well: the game room (L tried his hand at pool and ping pong, which he was surprisingly good at, and playing Wii-type games),

                                            The Gang (at least one of them) at leisure:

 taking Pappy for walks to the park next door (always stopping to chat a little with “Steve, the homeless guy"), playing with other kids at their RV's, and just chillin' in our RV, with his portable game system.

                                                Relaxin' with an Oreo cookie:
      Ditto for Beth – just relaxing outside in front of the RV in the perfect weather when not at the beach.    We're already thinking and talking about a repeat in 2017! True sign of a GREAT vacation time!

         I'm so glad and grateful she got to take this vacation. To think how close I came to thinking it wasn't goint to happen . . . first because of her own issues  . . . and then, after Jason's stroke, b/c of us wondering how we could still take this trip. Thanks be to God - He faithfully paved the way, and she and Landon were able to have a trip they'll remember for a long time. One of her best vacations ever, I do believe. Very much needed . . . sandwiched in between her brutal 3-week intense Biology course in prep for going back to school for her Physical Therapy Assistant's degree, and all the things she's going to have to deal with when she returns. She'll have much to handle back at home . . . her own list of things to get done in the next few weeks (getting back to work, enrolling for school, setting up child care for Landon, to name a few.)

        And now of course there's Jason. The plan is for him to come up and stay with her at our house until we get home in Sept. When she talked with him just after getting home, he couldn't wait to get out of his dad's home. No surprise there. Don't know what his needed level of care is right now . . . but Beth will be taking that on, in addition to everything else. It's really just astounding – she has become my most trusted and reliable partner in Jason's story. She helps me think practical things through – e.g., who should be listed second on the Power of Attorney, helps me keep all of the detailed lists in order and prioritized, and will now get him to his many doctor and therapy appointments. So it's a lot. And a complete metamorphosis from someone who was not to be trusted at all a few months ago to my totally clear-thinking, reliable, strong, trustworthy daughter. And she seems to be very much a Christian believer, even if she's not in a church. So I have so very, very much to be grateful for, and in awe of how God has His Footprints all over this. For instance, as Beth pointed out a few weeks ago – if we had taken this trip as first planned, leaving in early May for Santa Fe, Sedona, Death Valley, & Yosemite before turning to Southern Calif , we would have been on our way to California when Jason had suffered his stroke. We would certainly have turned around and come back, not to complete the remainder of the trip, which was virtually all of it. God's mysterious Providence . . . taking all the broken and incomplete pieces in this shattered world and our shattered lives, and mending them for sure for our eternal good, and, more often than we deserve, mending them for our temporal well-being during our journey here on earth. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015



     Beach days! Now this is what Bethany had in mind when she booked her California vacation! Clear sunny skies, warm sand, refreshing cool water, beautiful surf, new-found friends.   But pictures are worth a thousand words!




                                                                     New friends:



                                                                    Surfer pose:


                                                            Beth braving the waves:

Even the seaweed is fun:

                                                                  Faces of pure California happiness:


       For our last dinner together on Tuesday night, we grilled shrimp, made Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuits, and fixed microwaved Tuscan brocolli. So yummy!
Do we REALLY have to leave tomorrow??