Tuesday, August 11, 2015



        Stayed home here in the RV Saturday. Caught up on pictures, journaling, resting. Grilled chicken for dinner. First time we've actually cooked since we've been here. We've either eaten out, or had leftovers (thankfully, there was a plethora of them!). WiFi here is unbearably slow in the evenings, when everyone is on. And now, it's typically at least two devices in every RV using bandwidth. These campgrounds just aren't set up for that kind of usage.

         Tried to find a suitable church to attend on Sunday via the Internet, but had a hard time. So we slept in, had a late breakfast, and caught the bus for a 1:00 Band Concert in the Park which Bill thought would be fun. Each Sunday this band gives a free concert in the bandshell in Golden Gate Park. Today the program featured Russian composers, including Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Glazounov, & Stravinsky. Bill thought that both the program content and the performance were very good. 


     Then we just spent a leisurely couple of hours exploring the Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park, right across from the bandshell and the Japanese Garden. Very relaxing and lovely. Very different in tone and style from ours in St. Louis – this is very natural and organic looking, whereas ours is much more structured and formalized. Neither is better – just different approaches. 
     We exited Golden Gate Park through the Rose Garden.
                                         Modern deYoung Museum building:
                                                 Protected graceful redwood:

        No waiting for the bus this time. When we reached our transfer point of the Bridge Plaza, we had a few minutes to snap a couple of photos of the bridge and the skyline with wisps of fog ever so subtly reaching a finger or two down over the top of the landscape.

It's become a little cooler and cloudier as the week has progressed – typical for San Francisco – but still, we've been fortunate and have had beautiful weather for the most part for our first week here.

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