Wednesday, August 26, 2015



      On our last day here at the Mendocino Coast, we were tired of grey skies and chilly temperatures, and hungry for some warmth and sun. So we took a day trip down to the Anderson Valley, just a few miles south of Ft. Bragg and then eastwards. What a beautiful day and drive! Not too long after we left the coast, sure enough, the grey overcast sky gave way to blue, and there was the sun!

      Hwy 128, which drives through the heart of the valley, is a splendid road for scenic beauty! At the west end, where we started, there's a large grove of Redwoods. They truly are majestic and stately – each one standing proudly alone, reaching to the heavens, providing habit underneath them to ferns and other moisture and shade loving plants. And on days like today, the sun penetrates through their tops in a dappled pattern, creating just enough light and warmth on the forest floor to offset the awesomeness of the dense shaded canopy overhead. 

     After a wonderful few miles of the Redwoods, the panorama changed to the hills of wine country. Breathtaking loveliness.


Drove through a couple of very small towns, which are having an economic resurgence due to the wine industry and its accompanying tourists. We stopped at one and brought our picnic lunch and bought a couple of glasses of their signature Pinit Noir and enjoyed it on their patio overlooking more hills and vineyards.

We're told that this valley is what Napa Valley used to be like– small family-owned wineries, small friendly towns with Mom & Pop grocery stores on Main Street, very welcoming and accomodating to visitors.

       Explored a little more of the valley, and then turned around and savored the return trip. Between the redwood forests and the vineyard rollling hills, this is one of the most beautiful drives we've ever taken. Where else but in California would you experience these two diverse micro-climates and ecologies right next door to each other??! If we ever return to this area, a day's drive on Hwy 128 through the Anderson Valley will be high on our list!

       We enjoyed our time here on the Mendocino coast. We can see why the reidents love it here: extremely mild climate, where virtually anything will grow, rugged scenic coastline, unsurpassed redwood forest and vineyard valley scenery right next door, vibrant arts, and very friendly, community-minded people. But all that notwithstanding, it wouldn't do for us – too cool year round, with not nearly enough sunshine. But we'd pay a visit here again in a heartbeat!

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