Tuesday, September 1, 2015



      Rained – sometimes hard - last night. Maybe it'll help settle some of the dust here in the campground, as well as help put out some of the fires up in this area. 

      After a relaxed morning, we headed into town again with our bikes in tow. Parked the truck by the Battery Point Lighthouse and started on the bike path there.
                                        Path up to the lighthouse covered over now at high tide:
 It wasn't long – maybe a couple of miles 1 way, and led out to the harbor area. It was mostly mostly cloudy, chilly, and windy, but despite that, it was a very nice little ride and a good way to see the harbor. We had fun watching up close the sea lions on a couple of big rocks close to the road.
     When the clouds gave way, we admired the surf. The wind was constantly pushing small but pretty waves up. The color was lovely. Reminded us a little of coming down the Oregon coast last year.


   Found out that Lynn will be driving down from Portland to stay with us for a couple of days. Excited!




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